Photoshopping: Altering Images Of The Unhealthy Body

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As society’s image of the perfect woman evolved, technology eagerly developed to acommodate. Whether or not people are aware of the excessive photoshop editing, they do not realize how much editing takes place. Many people recognize that a photo has been altered, however, if given the original to compare, more changes would have been made than they expected. Fashion industries, such as Victoria’s Secret, have been improving their model pictures. This happens not only in America, but across the world. Unfortunately many companies, like Dove, who are using models of an average size and do not photoshop their pictures, are inconspicuous. For instance, Target photoshopped their junior swim line to the point of ridiculousness. Their models were photoshopped to have the largest possible thigh gap and the skinniest stomach. According to Beauty Redefined, in their article, “Photoshopping: Altering Images and Our Minds,” this normalization of abnormal has women all over the world comparing themselves to this unhealthy body standard,therefore, the battle for a positive and healthy body image is lost (1). The fashion industry is fueled by wealth and at this point, skinny sells. These changes did not happen overnight. The photoshop exaggerations the public views today are not preferences by a few editors, but rather …show more content…

In Doves’ Evolution Commercial, it exposes photoshopping for what it truly is; a nuisance in itself. The video shows the model’s transformation from makeup free, to perfected makeup to even further perfecting done by digital editing. It is shocking how much retouching went into that model for her advertisement. This was a miniscule advertisement, only imagine how much retouching popular companies like Victoria’s Secret use. In the end of the video, Dove notices that photoshopping is the reason why the world’s youth is struggling with body

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