
Physical Therapy Annotated Bibliography

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Hello everyone, The advancement of the physical therapy profession to doctoral-level profession placed a substantial emphasis on autonomous practice leading to a desire among clinicians to seek postprofessional education (Rodeghero et al., 2015). This education could be through continuing education, residency or fellowship program (Rodeghero et al., 2015). “The American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) is the accrediting body for the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) for postprofessional residency and fellowship programs in physical therapy” (ABPTRFE, n.d.f, para 1). Residency programs are aimed to teach physical therapists in a specialty area (ABPTRFE, n.d.e) while fellowship programs are intended …show more content…

(n.d.b). Directory of residency programs. Retrieved from http://www.abptrfe.org/apta/abptrfe/Directory.aspx?navID=10737432672
American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. (n.d.c). Fellowship programs. Retrieved from http://www.abptrfe.org/FellowshipPrograms/
American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. (n.d.d). Fellowship programs: Overview. Retrieved from http://www.abptrfe.org/FellowshipPrograms/Overview/
American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. (n.d.e). Residency programs. Retrieved from http://www.abptrfe.org/ResidencyPrograms/
American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education. (n.d.f). Welcome to ABPTRFE. Retrieved from http://www.abptrfe.org/home.aspx
Furze, J. A., Tichenor, C. J., Fisher, B. E., Jensen, G. M., & Rapport, M. J. (2016). Physical therapy residency and fellowship education: Reflections on the past, present, and future. Physical Therapy, 96(7), 949-960. doi:10.2522/ptj.201504
Rodeghero, J., Ying-Chih, W., Flynn, T., Cleland, J. A., Wainner, R. S., & Whitman, J. M. (2015). The impact of physical therapy residency or fellowship education on clinical outcomes for patients with musculoskeletal conditions. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 45(2), 86-96.

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