Physics Applied To Soccer Essay

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Physics Applied to Soccer Soccer. The most popular game in the world, and yet the most beautiful. This sport is known for its skill and its way of bringing people together. Though what most don’t know is that a great amount of physics can be applied to the game of futbol. From Newton’s Laws of Motion, to things such as friction and inertia, there is so much to learn from this sport. Imagine a ball sailing into the back of the net and the crowd going wild. Do you ever wonder why it got there with such power? Of course you do! Think of Newton’s First Law of Motion. It states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object at motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside, unbalanced force. Say the goal was scored from a …show more content…

Since scoring is the overall point of the game, being aware of the motion and strength of the ball is essential. In order to connect this to science, you must think of Newton’s First Law. For example, if a ball is crossed into the box and it is aimed at your head, you could use the inertia of the ball to your aid. Since the objective of heading is to redirect the ball and its movement in a different direction (in this case towards the goal), you want as much power behind the ball as possible. So, if a ball is driven across the face of the goal and on contact you snap the ball with your head, the unbalanced force you create mixed with the power of the inertia, can make it less likely for the goalie to stop the ball and possibly cause a goal to be scored. This idea can surely help better a player’s ability to head. Another way the physics involved in soccer can aid a player is by the acceleration and force required to shoot a ball. Due to the fact more force is needed for more acceleration, a player could continuously work on leg strength to better their shot on goal. Thus making that person a better goal scorer and overall better competitor in the game of