Planck Spacecraft Research Paper

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My research project is about the Planck Spacecraft. The planck spacecraft was a mission to look at the radiation of the cosmic microwave background. Planck is measuring tiny fluctuations in the CMB with unprecedented accuracy, providing the sharpest picture ever of the early Universe. This allows cosmologists to zero-in on theories that describe the Universe's birth and evolution. Working at a tenth of a degree above absolute zero. The telescope allowed scientists to look back to the beginnings of the Universe to about 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

Another name for the Planck spacecraft is COBRAS or SAMBA. This spacecraft was made in Europe. The operator for this mission was ESA and it operation was Planned: for 15 months and it Final duration was 4 years, 5 months and 9 days. Planck has a higher resolution and sensitivity than WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe), allowing it to view much smaller scales (×3). It also observes in 9 different frequency bands which is 4 more than WMAP's 5. Planck is also sheltered from the heat emitted by Earth, the Moon and the Sun. In addition, the telescope is also protected by a large baffle to minimise stray light interference from the Earth, Sun and Moon. …show more content…

It also showed us things that were in deep space. Like it made our understanding for dark energy and dark matter better for us. This space probe has not directly helped life on earth but has helped our understanding for how the universe was created and how early it was created. This has also not really understand the human race as a whole but has mostly helped us understand the universe as a