Plato's Tyranny: The Challenge Of Democracy

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U.S. History Tyranny Essay It is tyranical when someone takes over. Wheb the government or a king abuses their own authority. They make the law yet they don’t follow the law they created. Thomas Jefferson said in his quoten about tyranny “ All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain scilent.”
Born on 428 B.C Plato was a Greek philosopher . He had a deciple and his name was Aristotle. Plato was writing a book. The foubding Fathers heard about the book. They made sure that This would shurley lead to The Challenge of Democracy. Plato explained his opinion on tyranny he said Plato made his own detail he said “A tyrannical government was the worst form olf a government because its leader, a tyrant, was enslaved to his unquenchable thirst for more.” In this cas the wretched part of the government was their tyranny.” Plato …show more content…

Considering the Founding Fathers did not neccecarily share pthe same opinion as Plato and his contemponaries did. Platos student Aristotle agreed that Tyranny was the worst form of the government However, He disagreed that a king was a greatest Idea. Aristotle influenced the founding fathers a certain way. His writing turned out to be extreamly important to them. Furthermore Aristotle and Plato keep inspiring people about there teachings and writings. As I explained both plato and Aristotle believed that the ugliest part of the vgovernment was the tyranny part of the government. I view Platos quote “ I see as everyone must, that a tyranny is the wretchedest form of the government and the rule of the happiest king” ashim explaining that the government abuses the law based on their status aswell as the king himsekf.Plato believed that a different government would make the people under the rule happy. However Aristotle believed otherwise he believed that every