
Political Views On Abortion Essay

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Modern politics and Christianity would not agree on abortion. Traditional Christians reason that a foetus is a person when it is conceived therefore the would never support abortion because abortion is murder and a serious sin. Traditional Christian would be members of the Catholic Church and the Methodist church. However liberal churches would not take the bible at its word but would take inferences from it. Liberal Christians believe that abortion in certain circumstances may be the kindest and most loving action. They refer to Jesus’ teaching that love is the most important thing. However modern politics full support a woman right to choose. Furthermore modern politics are divided into two categories, pro-life and pro choose politicians …show more content…

However personal I would never have an abortion after 15 weeks, this is because a foetus is starting to form and become a child. Furthermore there is an argument that a foetus can feel pain at 20 weeks feel pain more intensely than adults. Others argue that they can feel pain at 26/28 weeks. However I would support any women decided to do so. Subsequently although I understand the belief of Christians I would not agree with it, because in my opinion at the moment of conception the foetus is not a person, it is a collections of cells that will form a baby. There are a range of different political views on abortion, I would side on the pro choose political argument. Christians think that god has a plan for every foetus. “You saw me before I was born” Psalm 139:16. This helps support the idea that life begins at conception or, at the very least, that the foetus is a person. Once Christians establish that the foetus is a human being, the sanctity of life teachings all apply. However a foetus is not a person because it can’t survive outside the mothers utters, when it can then it should be considered a person, so at about 25

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