Politics And Economy In The 1940's

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Politics and Economy in the 1940’s As Gene Tierney once said, “I remember the 1940’s as a time when we were united in a way known only to that generation. We belonged to a common cause - the war.” In the 1940’s politics and economy were consumed with so many events that would later impact the nation. The second war of the world, the changing rights of women, and the rebuilding of a depressed nation all shaped the politics and economy of the 1940’s. In the 1940’s the US was involved in the second world war. In this decade there was a change in politics- the power of the military was rising ("The 1940s, and Law: Overview”). In this decade confidence in the nation was starting to rebuild and nationalism was rising because they were rising out of the rather dark age of the Great Depression. Since they were in a better place they decided that when the …show more content…

This totally wiped out the nation's economy. There were people starving, people dying from disease that spread easier since there was such a decline in the ability of a person to provide for themselves. When the war started it put an end to The Depression ("The 1940s, and the Economy: Overview”). There was a mass production in goods and new jobs became available. Since the Great Depression occured the government started to regulate things like banks, the stock market and really anything involving capital. This bettered the economy because people could now place more trust in wherever they decided to spend their money. In addition to this the President at the time, Franklin D. Roosevelt, started programs that helped Americans stay out of the depressed state they were in. Some of these programs included social security and welfare ("The 1940s, and the Economy: Overview”). The economy of the 1940’s was a rebuild of all the problems that occured in the Great Depression which helped move the economy to a more stable and progressive