
Polygons In The Classroom

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1. What percentage of the whole class or group met the learning target/objective. Cite specific example and/or evidence. What criteria did you use to evaluate learning? What percentage did not meet the learning target? By assessing their exit tickets (find a polygon shape in the classroom and list one reason why it is a polygon), I believe 100% of my students met the objective and were able to identity and describe the features of polygons. Their reasons included closed plane figure, more than 3 sides, connected line segments, and 3 or more vertices. However, not all students could identify every definition that makes up a polygon. I believe all of students still need more practice identifying more polygons and non polygon shapes.
2. What …show more content…

How well did your lesson support an inclusive environment and meet the needs of all learners? I believe I used appropriate wait times to give each students a chance to develop their answer and reasoning. I reread directions and expectations out loud to make sure each student understood the directions. I also reread the question and answer slowly, rewrote it, and explained how and why we got that answer. I went back to one student when he said, “I forgot” and had him retry to give his answer. Next time, I believe I need to have more one-on-one conversations with each group while they are doing their blind sort so I can identify misconceptions and ask inquiry based questions. I should also write the directions on the board so students can go back and reference …show more content…

What changes, if any, might you make to increase student engagement in the following areas:
a. Planning: This lesson was over planned and could be spread out to 2-3 days. Next time I will focus on the Venn Diagram and defining what makes a polygon and non polygon and come together as a class and create the list together. I also will plan on only taking 15 minutes (instead of 20) to do the Do Now and come back to it the next day if we don’t finish. I also plan on using more math vocabulary including “reasonable” when explaining answers.
b. Instruction: I would include more pair sharing and have students check answers with partners or other groups. I would have multiple students from different groups show how they sorted the shapes (each group sort 4 shapes). I would also reduce the number of shapes to sort and focus more on explaining and developing our list as to what makes a polygon a polygon. I will also have students come up to the board and show their work during the Do Now.
c. Assessment: I would provide clear directions and write them on the board about when to start, the amount of time they have, and what to do when they are finished with their exit ticket. I will also have student give two reasons why their object they found in the classroom is a

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