Pornography And Child Abuse

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With every passing day the consumption of pornographic content is increasing so is child abuse. Child abuse is not a recent issue, it has been prevalent all around the world for many years. However due to increasing awareness and global exposure people are now less hesitant to openly talk about it and report such cases. Numerous research has been done on the causes of child abuse and it is the need of the hour to find out if viewership of pornographic content is leading to the issue. Majority of the research done on this topic does establish a link between pornographic content and child abuse. However some authors and researchers beg to differ and believe that viewership of pornographic content is harmless. Therefore, reviewing the following …show more content…

Due to the increasing viewership and demand of such content people now force children to engage in sexual act so it can be filmed and sold. Due to this sexual abuse with children is increasing rapidly as they fall a victim to hideous desires of the viewers of such content. Furthermore the book also claims that Internet has offered pornographers, leaders of child prostitution rings, and others who commit crimes against children a new means of preying on victims. This book investigates this type of child maltreatment from medical, forensic, and legal perspectives. Using a multidisciplinary approach, the book examines all of the medical implications for victims, and case studies provide insight into the lives of these “children of the night.” It includes Information on how perpetrators of these crimes operate, as well as guidelines for successful prosecution and strategies for …show more content…

Also discusses the harmful effects viewership of pornography has as on children. NPCC ChildLine recently released a report that found a tenth of 12 to 13-year-olds fear they may actually be addicted to pornography. 10% of children in the 7th grade have stated that they are watching enough porn to be concerned that they may have an addiction issue and not be able to stop. Many experts believe this is due to two primary issues: mobile accessibility and desensitization at an earlier age. “Young people are turning to the internet to learn about sex and relationships. We know they are frequently stumbling across porn, often unintentionally, and they are telling us very clearly that this is having a damaging and upsetting effect on them” said Dame Esther Rantzen, founder of ChildLine. Hence this addiction leads to children acting violently in school with their class