Power Ventures Didn T Violate Spam Act

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Introduction “Congratulations, someone has sent you an amazon gift card. Click on the link below to claim your gift.” Every day, we receive lots of junk emails which promotes different kinds of product and services. All of us are annoyed of junk emails and tired of unsubscribing the senders. In order to combat spams, Congress has passed the anti-spam law, the CAN-SPAM Act to reduce spams. The CAN-SPAM Act only applies to some spam issues which makes it less successful in the battle with spams. The article, Power Ventures Didn’t Violate Spam Law by Inviting Facebook Users to join, discusses the court case, Facebook V. Ventures, which illustrates the limited application of the CAN-SPAM Act.
What is Spam and why is it so important? Unsolicited bulk electronic mail, also, known as Spam or Junk Email. It floods mailboxes with advertisements, solicitations, and other content. According to the Cisco's 2008 Annual Security Report, Spam emails make up to “nearly 200 billion messages each day”, which constitutes about 90% of electronics email around the globe. (Hitchcock 1). Spammers send messages which are unwanted, unrelated and are based on false advertisements. Junk Email can be harmful as oftentimes they contain links with viruses, other malicious software directly to your computer which can affect your computer system. Spams …show more content…

Power.com used the Facebook user’s data, introduced from emails and other messages to promote its website. Facebook sent the “cease and desist” letter to Power.com to stop their campaign. However, Power.com continued to promote their campaign. Finally, Facebook sued the Power Ventures for violation of the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM”), the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (“CFAA”), and California Penal Code section 502 (Facebook v. Vachan