Precisionsports Target Market Essay

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PrecisionSports has a functional organizational structure, which is segmented by the purpose of its functions themselves rather than by region. The structure is centralized and the CEO has the direct control over the five departments (HR, R&D, Finance, Marketing & Sales and Legal) managed by the individual VPs for each division. Based on the customer segment, the marketing department has two subdivisions, B2C and B2B which are overseen by the individual directors. The immediate goal is to bring the “powerVW” sports analytics and fantasy sports product to the 2C market. Here are the major milestones and implementation schedule. Five Year Expansion Plan Based on the sales and market data from initial product launch activities, PrecisionSports will undergo five-year expansion plan with a target of 15-20% of the analytics market share in five years following additional investment and financing. Social Media and Media Tools PrecisionSports will use Social Media as primary media …show more content…

The Facebook page will offers a variety of resources and resemble like a mini-web site and in-text advertisements to allow users to navigate within the ads to see wall posts in real time and also allow the users to provide feedback through interactive mini-tabs. Per demographic survey posted by CMS-Wire, 67% of Facebook users are between the ages of 18 and 29 and geographically located globally which meets the segmentation strategy of powerVW brand with a broad demographic especially targeted to the younger generation (Ingram, 2013). Similarly Twitter which has approx. 500 millions of user base with a young audience between the ages of 18 and 29 will be used to promote the powerVW Brand using Twitter profile and to generate leads by offering online training, videos, conferences and events sponsored by

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