Prescriptive Play Therapy For ADHD

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Play therapy for ADHD Play therapy is an amazing resource that helps children with psychological difficulties. The play therapy various types  Child centered play therapy  Cognitive- behavioral play therapy  Gestalt play therapy  Jungian play therapy  Psychodynamic play therapy  Prescriptive play therapy These techniques are grouped into seven sections  EXPRESSIVE ART TECHNIQUES  PUPPET PLAY TECHNIQUES  STORY TELLING TECHNIQUES  GROUP PLAY TECHNIQUES  PLAY TOYS TECHNIQUES  OBJECT TECHNIQUES  GAME PLAY TECHNIQUES • Child centered play therapy: A broad field that uses children’s natural inclination to play as a means of creating an emotionally safe therapeutic environment that encourages communication, relationship building, expression and problem resolution for the …show more content…

Play materials are chosen based on the presenting problems, and are meant to meet the needs of individual child. The child is taught better coping skills to help them manage disturbing feelings and to decrease symptoms. • Gestalt play therapy: Is a psychotherapeutic technique, the therapist attempts to give the child opportunity to express his or her feelings verbally and non-verbally. • Jungian play therapy: Is not a particular set of play techniques used by the therapist, it is the way in which the therapist understanding the nature of psyche, the meaning of play. JUNGIAN SANDPLAY- the child , adult, couple use tray, filled either with wet or dry sand, water and /or diverse collection of man-made miniature or natural objects to create a play, a design or a scene • Psychodynamic play therapy: Is that the therapist deciphers and interrupts the true meaning of a child’s play. Ultimately this meaning is verbalized by the therapist to the child or by the child him or herself. The role of psychodynamic play therapist is to identify these meanings and share them with the children • Prescriptive play