
President Obama And Malala State Ways On How To Be A Successful Person

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I lot of people want to be successful, and live a successful life but what does it mean to be successful, what does it take to be a successful person? Successful means to accomplish an aim or purpose (victorious, triumphant) and in text 1 and 2 president Obama and Malala state ways on how to be a successful person. Text one is about president Obama’s address to the students in Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia in 2009, he gives his background and tells you what you need to be a successful person. Malala’s address to the nation in is just like president Obama’s a dress, but she is talking about women’s rights but still tells you what you need to be a successful person. To be successful, it takes perseverance, courage, and the will to learn. …show more content…

In paragraph 20 of his speech president president Obama states , i was lucky i got a lot of second chances, and i had the opportunity to go to college and go to law school and follow my dreams.”By telling the audience that he had second chances and opportunities to take advantage of he is also saying that at times eh experienced failure defeat and rejection throughout his education and career. This illustrates his level of perseverance because he was able to experience his failures and continue to strive for the goals he set even though it might have taken him longer to accomplish them.While perseverance helps us to experience failure on our road to success in order to be successful, we also must become courageous in the face of

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