Prince Ea's Why I Think This World Should End

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Today’s mass media exposes society to a plethora of information from different platforms of media, ranging from conventional television and radio to 7 second Vines on Facebook.

Susan Gigli’s 2001 hypothesis that youth today have a lack of real choice in the media is disproved by the reality of media society. New forms of media give a voice to many different perspectives that challenge established ideals; such as spoken word artist Prince EA, who typifies this information culture. The way he represents youth, and the values and beliefs portrayed through his art have a profound effect on youth identity and values.

The values Prince EA’s Why I Think this World Should End expresses to youth audiences directly contests those put forward by traditional …show more content…

Prince EA directly contradicts this, claiming that “You must keep up, you must fit in, this will make you happy, but it never does for long”. The audience reaction causes questioning to the fundamentals of society. No single media text can be completely flawless; Prince EA’s claim that advertising often exploits these harmful competitive values is very accurate and pertinent, but at the same time Prince EA’s statements are sometimes overgeneralizations such as “Money is the root of all evil”, a clear sweeping assertion. However, this characterises the benefits of having artists like Prince EA in the public sphere of influence, because it presents a chance for tradition to be challenged. Through this new platform of social media now the people can control the content …show more content…

He describes the next generation as an entity that will drive great change in the world by stating that “Each of us can work to change a small portion of events and in the total of all those acts will be written in the history of a generation.” He positions youth today to believe that they can make a positive difference as a generation, which becomes mutually exclusive to the image conservative media such as current affair programming presents that youth today are lazy, disrespectful and narcissistic. Before social media and the internet this was the only message delivered, but now with new media artists like Prince EA society can challenge this harmful characterisation. Prince EA has a vital effect on youth who have been exposed to this negative image, by giving them better ideals to aim for. He inspires the next generation to be more than what conservative media argues they are. His description of the problems in the world at the beginning of the poem only serve to strengthen the powerful message he has for youth today at the end, “So yes, the world is coming to an end, and the path towards a new beginning starts within you.” His characterisation of young people is highly motivating and dispels negative stereotypes along with increasing choice of quality