
Princess Nia Chapter Summaries

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Author Miguel Lopez de Leon brings the fantastic to life, with his newest spell-woven young adult fantasy, The Covens of Elmeeria. This is an excellently engaging coming of age tale, within which readers get to know its independent and inspirational heroine – eighteen year old princess Nia. Living a conflicted existence, Princess Nia along with her parents King Roo and Queen Bloom comprise the beloved royal family of the picturesque, bounteous and magically suppressed land of Elmeeria, also known as the Garden Kingdom. For the inhabitants of Elmeeria life is good unless you are known to be a witch then, you are considered an enemy of the kingdom, doomed to be feared, and reviled, a fact which happens to hold true of the witches that live in exile in the forest of Elmeeria. However, Nia and her mother are both wield magical abilities, and if knowledge of their powers were discovered it would have profound effects on the peace and sanctity of their illustrious kingdom. …show more content…

She is a young woman who feels that she does not necessarily need a man for protection and eagerly looks forward to inheriting the rule of the kingdom. Albeit, her mother, beautiful socialite Queen Bloom, sees things very differently, insisting that she will need her prince charming. And much to Nia's chagrin, Queen Bloom arranges for a dinner with potential suitors. The dinner turns out to be an attempted siege of the kingdom. With Nia narrowly escaping the violent melee, she decidedly embarks on a desperate and dangerous mission, racing against time to save her captive parents, suitors and kingdom, forced to seek out and enlist the help of the abhorred witches of Elmeeria. For Nia, this becomes a journey that leads to her self realization and the unveiling of

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