A #1 (Print Ad)- For our first print ad, we will advertise it in Magazines. We chose to do magazines because we believe that it is effective. For example, by advertising Little Fork Cafe in magazines, we are able to choose specific magazine titles that appeal to specific target groups. In addition, magazines have a longer “life” than newspapers, they sit about in doctor’s waiting rooms, magazine racks and with collectors. Moreover, people may pass magazines on to their friends and family which will increase exposure of our advert. With the grand opening of our Cafe shop, this is the time when we constantly advertise our Cafe shop in magazines. We want our target markets to be exposed to our print advertisement as much as possible. After a few …show more content…
This advertisement does not require people to follow Little Fork Cafe’s account in order to video the ad. Thus, this ad will be a “pop-up” sponsored ad that will show up while people are scrolling through their newsfeed. Out of all the social media platforms, we are certain that we want Instagram to be one of the social media platform where we advertise our products because many of our target markets (teenagers and young adults) have an Instagram. In addition, since Little Fork Cafe is a coffee and bakery shop, Instagram would be the ideal platform to expose and advertise our products to people because Instagram is known to be the place where people often post pictures of their food. Therefore, we hope that with hashtag and Instagram, our audience would be aware of our store and products. This ad that Ive created is specifically advertising the new drink, Cafe Americano. Therefore, with every new release of drinks or deserts, we will let those on Instagram know first! We will post ads like this one day before new items on the menu is being released. This way, people who have seen the post and are interested in trying the new product can Plan ahead on when to try it. As mentioned above, we have decided to advertise our social media ads through Instagram. We chose Instagram because Instagram will allow our store to connect with customers across multiple channels and increase cross-channel