Prior Knowledge About Reading Levels And Reading Comprehension

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Prior knowledge about reading levels and reading comprehension:
• Multiple systems to level books and readers
• Writing follows reading development
• Reading comprehension tests
• Reading comprehension comes with being able to fluently read a text
Purpose for Reading: I will read to find out how to determine what my tutee needs to do to become a stronger reader based on his/her reading level from the Bader informal reading inventory (IRI) data I collected.

Honesty Statement: I solemnly swear that this is my own work, and I will not share it with anyone else ever. _____(initials)
Ch. 2
What did you learn about General Patterns of readers’ strengths & needs, including the “three general patterns that provide the focus for planning balance …show more content…

My tutee is relying less on the pictures in a text but is still sounding out words. Also, while his words per minute is at grade level he is still reading with little expression.

Review Reading Level: An Indicator of Comprehension Proficiency. Describe how you can use this information to interpret your tutee’s comprehension of the Bader informal reading inventory reading passages you administered. I can look at which comprehension questions my tutee missed and struggled with. This can help provide focus for my instruction. Particularly, my tutee struggled a lot with retelling. This leads me to believe I should provide instruction on retelling and text structure.

Based on the information from Designing the Intervention Focus, create a list of questions to ask yourself to help you determine an appropriate intervention focus for your tutee.
• How big of a gap is there between his instructional level and what is appropriate for his grade or age?
• What patterns in his reading comprehension can I see? Did he struggle with explicit, factual, or literal questions? Was he able to retell a text in a coherent fashion?
• What are the strengths of my tutee?
• What should the balance be of word study, fluency, and comprehension be for my