
Privacy Issues And Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

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Today topic subjects will deal with Privacy Issues and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). We all know that there has been some massive attacks that deals with privacy issues online. The definition of privacy issues comes in different forms, the internet privacy definition according to techopedia “Internet privacy is the privacy and security level of personal data published via the Internet. It is a broad term that refers to a variety of factors, techniques and technologies used to protect sensitive and private data, communications, and preferences.” This is one form of privacy issue that relates to digital and online marketing. Another version of privacy issue definition is “The use of the Internet can affect the privacy rights a person has in his or her identity or personal data. Internet …show more content…

government regulatory agency responsible for overseeing all interstate and international communications”. The Federal Communications Commission tried to make sure the companies are maintaining a positive vibe. They regulate the standards that protects both the consumer and business according to investopedia “The FCC acts to maintain standards and consistency among the ever-growing types of media and methods of distribution, while protecting the interests of both consumers and businesses”. In my opinion, this helps the customers keep up with the business and helps the business control what type of substance that goes on the internet. This should give my company SC Associates, LLC’s a better outcome with different variety of business with their customer.SC Associates, LLC was founded in 2000. SC Associates, LLC’s mainly deals with mid sized and small companies manufacturing, packages and services industries. Their internet presence is not that heavy and they should use all the necessary tools to implement a better communication

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