Problem Oriented Policing Case Study

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The Role of Corrections in Solving Gang
Violence From a Problem Oriented Police Perspective Problem oriented policing is an approach to policing where past issues are closely examined to obtain a new perspective on these issues in pursuit of discovering new strategies to solve future issues. The problem oriented police perspective was developed in the late 1970’s by people, such as Howard Goldstein, in the law enforcement field who were interested in finding a more efficient and effective way of policing. While many experiments associated with the early findings of police oriented policing occurred during the early 1980’s in places like Madison, Wisconsin and Baltimore City, Maryland the first agency wide experiment occurred in the mid 1980’s …show more content…

While each of these four steps are necessary for the model to work, they are each different in what they are trying to achieve. During the scanning step the officers are trying to identify the problems which are posing a threat to the public and to the police themselves. After they identify the problems they then prioritize them and select the ones they want to take a closer look at. After the scanning process, the officers then must begin to analyze the problem. While analyzing the problem the officers are working to identify and understand the problem, along with identifying the problem they are trying to understand the conditions which are also associated with the problem. Once the officers are done understanding the problem they then begin to work towards developing a hypothesis as to why the problem keeps occurring. After the hypothesis is developed then comes the response step to the SARA model, during this step the officers are responsible for brainstorming ideas for new interventions or activities that will help suppress the problem. Once there are new ideas in place the officers must work towards carrying out these activities. The last step of the SARA model is the assessment step, during this step it is up to the law officials to determine if the plans developed were implemented. Once they determine if the plan was implemented they then must …show more content…

One partnership that could be formed would be an anti-gang unit, this unit would consist of the county sheriff’s department, the police department, and the department of corrections (DOC). With the formation of such a partnership it enables an integral component; information sharing. The DOC is responsible for sharing information such as a list of adult gang members who need to be put on community supervision. With the list that the DOC compiles these gang members are then subjected to certain conditions which they must abide by, conditions such as nightlong curfews, must abstain from contact with other gang members, banned from wearing gang clothing, colors, or signs, and they must also abstain from drug and alcohol usage as well as submit to mandatory drug