Process Essay: Definition Of Critical Thinking

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Remember a time in your life when you felt unable to choose among several different solutions to a problem or struggled with making a decision. I hope that this paper will be useful for decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking. The definition of critical thinking is a disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence. Critical thinking frees us from nonsense. Novelist Ernest Hemingway once said that anyone who wants to be a great writer must have a built-in “crap” detector. That inelegant comment points to a basic truth: As critical thinkers, we are constantly on the lookout for thinking that's inaccurate, sloppy, or misleading. Critical thinking frees us from self-deception. Critical thinking …show more content…

1) Remembering- how can I recall key terms, facts, or events? 2) Understanding- how can I explain this idea in my own words? 3) Applying- how can I use this idea to produce a desired result? 4) Analyzing- how can I divide this idea into parts, groups, or steps? 5) Evaluating- how can I rate the truth, usefulness, or quality of ideas and give reasons? 6) Creating- how can I invent something new based on this idea? blind- I’m clear about my reasons for acting, I tend to believe that the motive justifies the method. I may unintentionally cause people upset and pain because I’m so focused on my good motive. My core ethical lens is Relationship Lens, I use reasoning skills (rationality) to determine what processes and systems should be put into place to assure fairness and justice for all in the community (equality). I prefer rationality and equality to be equal in my life. I myself have many personal ethics and they influence my decisions greatly. But it does depend on what subject we are referring to. There is no universal ethic for everything. In some cases, my ethics may contradict one another but there are always exceptions. For example, Ethics for being a father, I feel a father should give their child every to learn, improve, challenge them self’s, to have fun. A father should help their child experience and have many opportunities to give them more options for the future. A father should make time for his child and also make sure …show more content…

Almost everyone is selfish and it’s about them. We need to go back to that place where everyone respects each other, understands one another, helps each other, and are equal to each other regardless of race, religion, sex, finances, sexual preferences, be without prejudice. We need to go back to where neighborhoods helped one another, when it was ok for the village to help raise each other children. We need to go back to the old time way. There are many more ethics to go over but we’ll stop here. My ethics for professional and societal responsibilities will include the following. Professional: attendance should be early or on time with a few exceptions, should show up for work when supposed to coming. Following what a manager tells you to do is important but within reason. But do what you know needs to be done or has to be do when you’re done with what manager