Produce A Professional Proposal

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Produce a Professional Proposal
For a student to be able to read and write is the basis for success in academics and life for all individuals. Reading and writing skills are necessary to function in this age of technology. Educators must prepare students for the future and global expansion. Literacy is important in all aspects, including digital literacy. A global learning environment involves a technological organization that involves access to devices such as desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets, electronic readers, and smart phones (Jones, Fox, & Levin, 2011). The purpose of this proposal is to gain support from the principal to incorporate technology use in the classroom that will improve student involvement and help increase test scores.

Proposal Audience
This proposal is intended to persuade the principal to incorporate the use of technology in the classroom to increase classroom and state testing scores.
Defining the Problem …show more content…

Low literacy rates is a major problem in academics as well as in life success. From a study conducted by Bruning, Schraw, & Norby (2011), over one-fourth of 12th graders, over one-fourth of 8th graders, and almost one-third of 4th graders did not perform at basic levels of reading. Literacy rates for the students in Henry County Schools and the rest of the nation need improvement. Students’ state and school testing scores will improve with addition instructional support. Technology in the classroom is the tool needed to improve scores by increasing student involvement in classroom participation. To direct schools into the Digital Age, principals, school boards, teachers and teacher instruction will need the skills and training to incorporate technology in the