Professional Journal Entry Essay

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A Professional Journal Entry: Describe, evaluate and reflect upon a situation where you have promoted anti-oppressive with a particular group or individual.
Within my placement of youth work in a Church of England church in the borough of Tower Hamlets, East London, I work with young people aged between eleven and nineteen years old. One aspect of my role as Youth Intern is to mentor some of the female young people. In many of these mentoring sessions, and during mid-week group sessions, the female young people expressed how they ‘can’t’ get certain jobs or hold certain roles in a workplace or in society because they are ‘a girl’. I strongly feel that this is an attitude which within the youth work we can change and show the young people that although this is how they have felt, this is not true.
Each month the young people help to plan and run an evening service called VOX – Voice of the People. It is a space in which people can share their experiences and learn together. After the discussion, I had with the female young people regarding their attitudes to the jobs and aspirations they can have as women I decided to run one of the evening services on Women in Leadership. I contacted three women who are in …show more content…

I also wanted to raise awareness that the role of a woman in leadership is varied and stems across all job sectors and show the respect that we have for these women who are in their varied leadership positions. Through this, I hoped to have promoted anti-oppressive practice within my placement church and also show the young people what anti-oppressive practice looks like in