Professional Philosophy Essay

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There are few things in life that are not affected by our education. Throughout my life I have been driven by my desire to educate others. Whether it is teaching my brother to tie his shoes, or teaching children how to care for their teeth, education has been a strong point in my life. My professional philosophy revolves around my desire to help others achieve understanding of a topic in a clear, direct way that results in them mastering that concept in a positive manner. The fun part of being an educator, in my opinion, will be the different methods I will get to use to teach a variety of subjects. My professional philosophy incorporates teaching each student the content needed to succeed in school, along with a huge dose of fun interactive learning. As I reflect upon my years as a student, I have some good ideas of what kind of an educator I would like to be and how to do that. I think that as a teacher I am going to really make sure that I am an engaging educator. I will make sure that I am always trying to teach them in the way that is most effective for them, by responding to the needs of each student and class that I teach. I want to be a teacher, because I care about how students …show more content…

Some of my earliest and fondest memories are of teaching my brothers everything I could. I loved helping them learn everything that I knew. It wasn’t just learning how to read, but also things like tying their shoes. My first grade teacher stands out in my memory as one of the people who helped encourage my desire to teach. She somehow knew how much I loved to not only learn but to teach others. She let me take home any of the extra worksheets that she had on hand from the day. I cannot explain how happy that would make me. I would rush home and sit my brothers down at my antique school desks, put my easel up with my lesson, and then help them complete the worksheets. Those memories are burned in my mind and my heart