Program Evaluation Matrix Paper

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My program committee and I have created a program evaluation matrix to begin our planning process. We have identified two objectives that address or correlate with the assessment goals, evaluation targets and stakeholders involved in the program. Chen (2015) differentiates activities from objectives as the “achievements of the implementation on its way to reaching final goals” (p. 107). Evaluating the Leveled Literacy Intervention program (LLI), it is necessary to have clear goals or objectives that will help to direct the program evaluation. The specific objectives that we address in this discussion are capacity and intent and activity fidelity.

Program Evaluation Matrix: Objective and Question

Program Evaluation is systematic and is an ongoing process of collecting, interpreting and acting on goals, objectives, and outcomes to help in developing the purpose of the program. Many evaluations focus on the immediate effect of any program or intervention and not its long-term effect. The questions could include: What are we trying to do? How will are we doing it? And how can we improve it? Evaluation should look at the outcomes, methods, and define the criteria for success (Chen, 2015).

Objectives are …show more content…

Spaulding (2014) defines the capacity-intent as how the program developers “build” different parts of the program so it can take place and function (p. 60). For example, capacity includes training, and materials and making sure they are delivered on time (Spaulding, 2014). Also, the evaluators have a multitude of data because they can use both quantitative and qualitative methods of evaluations (Spaulding, 2014). Data collection will include interviews, site visits, purchase materials and observations (Spaulding, 2014). The second objective is the activities and fidelity of delivery which is making sure that the activities and training conducted correctly (Spaulding,