
Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes

450 Words2 Pages

Cells are the Legos of life. Together they make up living things, and individually they are intricate structures buzzing with activity. The two cell classification types are Prokaryotic cells and Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic are the much more slimmed down simple version of the two. Eubacteria and Archaea are both prokaryotic. Prokaryotic cells are small in size (about 1-5 micrometre (um)) and contain no organelles. They do however contain a nucleoid-region, (where the DNA hangs out) ribosomes (50s, 30s,), microtubules, a cell well (made of peptidoglycan in bacteria), and the DNA is spherical in shape. Eukaryotes are the larger version. Cave men, zoo life, plants and fungus all have eukaryotic cells. Since these are more complex organisms, the cells they contain are more complex as well. Eukaryotic cells are larger in …show more content…

In eukaryotes there are multiple replication units and the origin recognition complex (ORC) binds to a replication origin in the DNA sequence. The MCM complex also contains enzymes like helicase. After all this the DNA is ready to be duplicated. DNA polymerase catalyzes by using triosphosphate deoxynucleoside derivatives (dATP, dTTP, dGTP, dCTP). DNA synthesis always happens in the 5’-3’ direction. There’s a leading and lagging strand. The lagging strand has Okazaki fragments (1000-2000 bp prokaryotes, 100bp eukaryotes). With the help of topoisomerase (prevents supercoiling), DNA helicase unwinds the DNA into the leading and lagging strands. Then SSB proteins keep it unwound by binding at the replication fork (prevents re-annealing). Then we bring in the replication enzymes (DNA polymerase I,II & III). Polymerase I removes RNA primers that were used in replication (prokaryotes). Then DNA is put in the holes left by RNA by exonuclease and ligase. DNA polymerase III proofreads in

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