Proposition 14 Pros And Cons

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The United States has an immense social problem when it comes to family and medical leave. President Bill Clinton had passed the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) twenty years ago many citizen workers were happy about this new opportunity. There were now options for workers to take a leave from their job. To be specific, the worker could now be granted twelve weeks off without pay for family or medical, and they were able to keep their jobs. There were plenty of people that thought, it was a big step for all the families in the United States. However, only a few realized that the law simply was toward for employees who were working full time, or those who work more than 25 per week. The sad reality was there were numerous of American families …show more content…

The ideas from the Family and Medical leave will be taken and transition into Proposition 14 for improvements. This new law will have flexibility and fairness for most employees in the United States. As a matter of fact, the proposition will make the twelve weeks of absences in paid. It is very important for employees this new law, especially the ones who need those twelve weeks off with pay. Due to the current law, employees need to have twelve months working for the employer. However with proposition 14, employees only need to be working for three months. There are many employees who may have an emergency during those first twelve months and are not able to receive pay while leaving work. This proposition will be a positive aspect for those who been working for six months or eight months. Furthermore, this new proposition will bring equality for everybody, including same-sex marriages. In reality, many of the same-sex couples are recognized by some laws, but with the proposition there will be equality. In addition, if an employee needs addition time to be off, than twelve weeks it will be granted. However, there has to be valid reason for the employee to have extra time off and should be granted. Employers around the United States need to understand that employees have a life outside work, which means time off may be needed. Many of the families can be complex, and each one them has different needs. As Coontz states (2010), “families have always been fragile, vulnerable to economic stress, and needful of practical and emotional support from beyond the nuclear family.” It is time for companies to show support to their employees and to help plenty of American families. The new proposition may take some stress off employees in their financial status. This means employees can be home and able to handle their personal issues with pay and not missing any financial

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