Pros And Cons Of Abortion Essay

691 Words3 Pages

Brianna Archie
English 1301
Mon-Wed 4-6PM
April 25, 2016

Argumentative Essay

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by removing the fetus before its able to survive outside

of the uterus. Unlike the simple definition the debate over the abortion issue isn’t simple. It’s a

statement that is neither right nor wrong and is left open for discussions. Those who are opposed

to abortion claim that it is the murder of a helpless baby who has not yet had the chance to live.

However, the debate opposite those who are in favor claims it is the woman's right to choose

what she wants to do moving forward, and if she decides that she is not capable of bringing a

child into this world, then she shouldn't be forced to out of nature. Any questions such as is rape,

incest, and potential fatality make it okay for a mother to take the child’s life? So many

questions are raised by such a debate, that we have to reflect on both sides of the issue to …show more content…

A pro-choice

supporter feels as though a woman has the right to put herself above anything including the life

of her unborn child. The main argument of pro-choice is that a woman should be able to do

whatever she pleases to do with her body. And aside from whether it is a woman's right to

choose, pro-choice advocates also consider the mother’s physical and mental capabilities. They

also feel that if the mother is in harm’s way or any other serious condition, some people feel

abortion should be implicated. There are other circumstances in which people feel that abortion

may be justified situations like rape and incest. To many it is unfair that a woman is forced to

conceive a baby she was forced to have out of rape or incest. Theirs the concern that once the

child is born the mother is forced to relive those traumatic events just by looking at her child.

Incest also raises concerns for mental disabilities such as retardation and down