
Pros And Cons Of Animal Farm Essay

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Do any of you remember Jones’ rule? If not, look around you. It is just the same. We think we are free, serving only ourselves, when in reality we have created another Jones. We are tired of hearing constant lies, to complex for our understanding. It is time to rise up and become what we first rebelled for: truth, honesty, education and equality. It is time for Animalism to return. We said it ourselves: we are working like slaves. We toil seven days a week, and for what? A few spoons of grain? This is not how animals are meant to live. We are manageable work and liveable conditions. Who was it that built the windmills? It was not Napoleon. It was not the army of dogs. It was us, the people. But what do we get from it? Not electricity, not food, not heat, not light. Nothing. While we starve and are fed lies about getting richer, the pigs get fat off our work and we slowly die. Imagine a world where the ones who do work get rewarded, and everyone does their share. A place where food is plentiful and we have time to enrich our minds instead of placing our nose to the grindstone to supply the pigs with alcohol. Imagine a world where true animalism is practiced, a place where all one animal is as equal as the other. Or would you rather live in a world serving those who deem you as less equal? …show more content…

Why build a schoolhouse for the just the little pigs? Are the little sheep or the goats less than? Remember Boxer. He dreamed of learning the last twenty-two letters of the alphabet. But between slaving away on the windmill and providing the pigs with money for alcohol, he had no time. Boxer would want all to read and write. Do it for him. Manor Farm is in ruins, with pigs breaking each of the commandments while convincing a herd of stupid animals they are in the right. They are conspiring with those we sought to defeat to enslave us further. We are ants under the boots of the pigs. That is Manor

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