
Pros And Cons Of Becoming A Gun Collector

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Tips for beginners to become gun collector
Some of us are fortune enough to grown up in rural areas where surplus rifle or sometimes a shotgun was a treasured possession. Some are grown up in hunting families where they had amazing moment of hunting with .22 rifle. Some wanted guns for purely defensive purposes, purchased to protect their love ones or family. Some were introduced to shooting sport and started shooting for competition.

All of this leads to another and in the next moment, they have started collecting guns. There are many gun collectors who collect guns because they need a backup gun, or a practice gun, or a hunting gun, or they just want “a” gun.

So if you are new to gun collection then we have some tips for you in our disposal. …show more content…

Whether it is for fun, or for skill building or you just want to protect yourself.

Buying a large firearm will surely provide you a good gun range, will have a less recoil and will have a greater accuracy. For defence purpose, buying a shotgun will be better. So the thing is, no firearm is better than the other. It’s debateable but it’s also fact that a firearm which is difficult to shoot, or wear or uncomfortable then you won’t practice it and thus you won’t use it anymore. Therefore, your first gun should be task specific and comfortable.

Types of gun you want to collect:

Some people enjoy shooting and thus they start building their collection on different rifles like surplus or Johnson rifles.

Others become more interested in handguns and want different handguns for use. Some become more interested in evolution of guns and want to collect guns with different ignition styles such as flintlock, pin fire etc.

Some folks become interested in guns related to history and want to collect the whole series of firearm of some specific historical era.

Therefore, before deciding, make a list of guns in which you have particular interest and sort them with priority and then you can start collecting.

Where to find

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