Also it allows the user to scare off any attackers. There is a significant decrease chance in which criminals will attack someone who is armed. Another pro is that people feel safer with a gun even though they might never use it in public. It is practically impossible for our government to protect everyone in the country, so the right allows the US citizens to feel a lot more safe because they can protect themselves if needed. Because criminals carry firearms illegally, citizens should have the right and ability to protect themselves from armed
While people in our nation believe that guns are the most dangerous thing on earth. We have others that think that they will make our nation safer, they think that if everyone owns a gun less crime can happen because they know who has a gun and will be less tempted to commit crimes. On a more personal level, they feel safer when they are out and about. Then you also have people who owns guns for sports like hunting, archery, and marksmanship, and people who just like to collect guns maybe not use but just
Self-defense is key to survival in the day that we are living. The concealed carry law allows any person from the age of twenty-one years of age or older to carry a firearm, if they have a permit to carry that firearm. The law was passed so that you could legally carry a firearm in public to protect yourself. It is called the Second Amendment. There is two sides to this argument some people believe you should be able to carry a handgun on your hip in public.
Gun Control: And The Arguments On The Subject Have you ever shot a gun if so you have probably felt adrenaline. So when most hunters think of guns they think of fun and their lives would be changed. Gun control has been a battle back and forth between different views for years around the world. In this subject for every argument there is a counterargument. But since the gun control we have now is cutting down on shootings but not limiting hunters or anybody who uses firearms legally most people think that we should keep the same laws.
Today there are gun activist and anti gun citizens. There are many valid arguments that people make that why it isn't smart and safe for just anyone to be able to possess and carry a firearm in public. I believe the first and foremost concern people have is that with guns being so easy ready to use that there may be a increase in crime. It has the potential to create and increase more crime, and shootings. The anti- gun activists, believe that there will be less crimes, and shootings without guns being so easily accessible.
Concealed Carry Concealed carry is carrying a handgun or other weapon in public that is concealed. In 2003, the state of Colorado legalized the use of concealed carry, and a few years later in 2007, a man who was carrying a concealed weapon in church shot a man that opened fire in the church saving countless lives. In 2013, Illinois became the last state to legalize concealed carry, but with all of the gun violence in today’s world many are looking to end the use of concealed weapons and their permits. In states that do not allow concealed carry, the amount of robberies were one hundred five percent higher than states that allowed concealed carry.
Concealed Carry: Should The Age Be 18 or 20 Years of Age? Guns, they’re already a touchy subject in the world today especially with mass shootings and terrorist attacks on the United States that could happen at any moment and when the new bill proposed to lower the concealed carry permit age to 18 to 20-year-old people, a good number of claims were brought up to go against the bill. With the majority of the people who this bill would affect, most of them are in college at these ages and with most campuses having a strict no gun policy this bill would not really be useful to people on campus like some of the arguments that are for the bill claim that the bill would come in handy. Some of the arguments against this idea deal with sexual assault,
In counter to what is said for pro gun control in the United States one also has to see the view of people who disagree with it. The other side of the argument believes that possessing a gun can give someone the ability to help or save themselves as well as others, that all gun control laws go against what is said in the Second Amendment, and claims are made such as, “why not let people own grenades and nukes then?” Everyone no matter where on earth has the common right to defend and help not only themselves but others as well. Simple defense and defense with a gun is a completely different story and the amount of power that comes with a gun is overwhelming. Even though it is seen that guns are simple devices used for protection in worst case scenarios, no one should have the right to decide when someone is to live or to
Grayson Maurer Mrs. Gallos English 3 Honors 29 March, 2018 Gun Control Right now in the United States there are more guns than people. According to NPR the United States ranks number one in guns per capita, at one hundred and one guns per person. With this many guns politicians are searching for ideas on how to get rid of them and put us on par with other countries in terms of civilian firearm use. The main idea proposed is Gun Control, which are laws that would regulate the possession and sales of specific firearms and ammunitions.
Gun control is the regulation of firearms. These are laws and policies set to regulate the sale of firearms, possession and use of firearms and the manufacturing of these guns, among other things (en.wikipedia.org1). The issue of gun control is relevant in the US today, with mass shootings covering the media almost every month. Therefore, the debate on whether or not gun laws should be stricter or more relaxed is currently happening, and lobbyist and interest groups have a lot of influence on this debate. The question is then: How much influence do these interest groups and lobbyists have on gun control in the US?
In recent times, gun violence amongst the American people have become evermore prevalent. Just this past year, the lives of many innocent people have been taken due to the senseless acts of gun owners in America. While killing someone with a gun is illegal, the real issue lies in the fact that owning the gun is not, because all American citizens have the right to bear arms. The issue with this, is that not every citizen has the
Firearms has a good and evil side to it. Gun control debates still go on in Congress because if guns are used in a good way they can preserve lives, however utilize it in a lamentable way it can eradicate life. The unsuccessful anti-gun control policy effects many violent gun related deaths each year due to the fact of mass black market distribution. There are many programs available on how to utilize guns in the correct way, trained to use a firearm correctly many lives would be protected. Lastly the founding fathers fought against a tyrant nation to gain freedom, so they created the Second Amendment to prevent that from happening again.
Some of the pros includes the Second Amendment, fewer suicides, accidental deaths, knowledge, and safety. The Second Amendment is not an unlimited right to own guns. It was intended to protect the rights of militias to own guns,
They also do not have as many negative effects as some claim. The right to own firearms is a constitutional right that is important and needs to be upheld. Owning guns is an essential constitutional right. The right to own guns has many benefits even for those who do not own guns. The right to own guns is based in the United States Constitution.
Guns are just a tool, like knives and hammers and it completely depends on the people on how they use it. People who support guns and arms say that the Second Amendment secures individual’s right to carry guns with them and that gun rights is needed for self-protection, and was intended for military to have peace and defend the country if needed (Spitzer, 70). Most of the Americans use guns as a source to protect themselves and they believe that gun ownership prevents crime. A study conducted on November 26, 2013 showed that bans on weapons did not significantly affect murder rates at the state level (Lane, 5). Moreover, even if the rules and regulations are executed on gun control, not all criminals obey the law.