Pros And Cons Of Gun Control In The United States

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In counter to what is said for pro gun control in the United States one also has to see the view of people who disagree with it. The other side of the argument believes that possessing a gun can give someone the ability to help or save themselves as well as others, that all gun control laws go against what is said in the Second Amendment, and claims are made such as, “why not let people own grenades and nukes then?” Everyone no matter where on earth has the common right to defend and help not only themselves but others as well. Simple defense and defense with a gun is a completely different story and the amount of power that comes with a gun is overwhelming. Even though it is seen that guns are simple devices used for protection in worst case scenarios, no one should have the right to decide when someone is to live or to …show more content…

The Second Amendment to many is a code through which they happily live their life and take place in certain hobbies including the shooting of guns. The other half believes that what the Second Amendment was the beginning of the issue of gun control. After the creation of the Second Amendment numbers of guns in the United States were steadily increasing (still the case today). Now that there are so many guns in the United States, many believe that it has become impossible to solve the issue and get rid of guns in general. The statement, “why not let people own grenades and nukes then?” is a perfect example of a not thoroughly thought out argument concerning gun control. The United States would never let anyone in the general public obtain nukes or any types of grenade because they are solely offensive weapons, unlike guns. Unfortunately much of the debate for and against guns is made up of comments much like this one, irrelevant, and way too

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