
Pros And Cons Of Christopher Columbus

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We all spend days staring out our window, dreaming of what it would be like to just explore the world. For some it’s just a dream, and for other’s it’s a reality. If you are an explorer, then your second dream is to be remembered for something you discovered. The first man that comes to most minds when they think of this may be Christopher Columbus. As most know he is the the man that “discovered” America, but is he truly deserving of the honor of this title? When we were younger we were told that he “discovered America” but that is not true. We’re taught about his name, and the name of his ships. What we probably were not taught was the descriptive things Columbus himself wrote in his journal. We were told he met the “Indians” but we weren’t taught he killed more than he even met. Italian-America’s wanted someone Italian to celebrate so they choose Columbus, but they choose wrong. They did not choose an amazing person; the Italian-America’s choose an egotistical man, and a killer. …show more content…

The detailed playback of everything he did in the “new world” when in actuality it was not new. He took the natives, the people who had been there for centuries longer than him, and enslaved them. Introduced them to diseases that they had no immunity to. Slaughtered them if they did not convert to Christianity. Fed baby’s to dogs. Murdered his own men. Wiped an entire group of people, the Tainos, of the map and sold their children to be sex slaves. Raped his own slave after she “resisted with all her might”. The man some call and truly believe is a hero, is really a murderer, a rapist, a slaver, and other countless

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