The Benefits Of Fad Diets

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Fad diets have been around since 1028 when William the Conqueror got so over weight that he went on a diet of only liquid. This has gone on even up to the 1940s when 'cleanses' became a fad as well, especially in Australia. Ever since then there have been all sorts of diets that have supposedly helped people through the ages lose weight, and with that it raises the question: Are fad diets actually in helping Australian adults to achieve weight loss that lasts?

One of the most popular 'Cleanses' of the 21st century is the Lemon Detox. The Detox is a liquid drink made originally with Maple syrup, freshly squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper and filtered water. Recently the maple syrup has been replaced with 'Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup', this is …show more content…

These numbers are for an average height person who doesn’t do exercise. As seen above, the lemon detox only supplies 2500KJs, this is only a third of the recommended intake. This is a serious problem essentially because without the needed energy and nutrients the body can go into starvation mode. When this occurs the body actually stores fat, doing the opposite of what the dieter wants. When the body is in this mode they suffer such things as fatigue, constipation, nausea, diarrhea and even in some extreme cases: gallstones . These symptoms are not something you want to experience. When finishing a diet such as the detox diet it is extremely hard to go back to a normal eating style because once the body is off the liquid it wants food and lots of it. Meaning the dieter goes on a 'binge' and puts back on the weight, plus more, that they were trying so hard to …show more content…

500kJ), a serve of protein(65g-170g. 500kJ-600kJ) and a serve of dairy(40g-200g. 500kJ-600kJ). All these components are needed to keep the body healthy, without them the body is starved of these essential nutrients. As said by Dr. Mehmet Oz "Your metabolism may slow down and you may feel tired. You might feel an urge to binge, especially on sugar-laden foods. Chronic dieting, in fact, can lead to an eating disorder. Over time, not eating enough can also deprive your body of essential nutrients you need for health." As Dr. Oz said, when your metabolism slows down you want to binge on sugar-laden foods. The Lemon detox is FILLED with sugar, this creates a cycle of drinking more of the concoction because the body wants sugar and nutrients. After 72 hours of this diet the body can function somewhat normally as the brain relies heavily on glucose to function, which the lemon detox and all its Syrup, can supply. This means that your brain doesn't really notice that you're not eating healthy food. The other added affect all that sugar does on the body is that it gives the dieter an rush of energy. The drink is usually consumed out of large bottles so the body is receiving this energy quite quickly, the body also doesn't have to fear crashing from this sudden energy because of readily supply. At the end of the