Pros And Cons Of Health Insurance

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A very controversial topic lately, is the right to health insurance. There are many different takes on health insurance because of the expense. Some would like to go the universal health care way, as other countries have done. While others feel that the expense should be a choice. Health care is a serious issue, for some it determines whether or not someone will seek health treatments in an emergency situation. What would you do if a health emergency occurred and you need an emergency surgery? Worry about the cost? Try to avoid it at all costs? Or just go with it, then be hounded by bill collectors? These are thoughts that people without health insurance have to think about. The affordable health care act (ACA) has been a big topic for debate. …show more content…

Doctor’s may want certain tests performed, if these tests are too expensive they will require an authorization first. The doctor will have to converse back and forth with the insurance company, explaining why the patient needs this test or procedure. The insurance company will have the final say in the end. But how is this fair to the patient who may be having chronic back pain and need an MRI? What if they have exhausted all of their resources so far and this may possibly be their only hope? They will have to be dependent on the insurance company saying it’s allowed. Sometimes it’s a little frightening seeing how much say an insurance company has in the end all. Insurance companies want to cut costs for themselves as well as others, so they will throw around the term “medical necessity”. In an attempt to eliminate debt they might need to determine if your procedure, medication, test, etc. is of a medical necessity, in other words saying you need this to function properly in life (Abbott, 2014, pg. 948). Waiting for these answers puts the patient behind in treatment and keeps the doctor from figuring out with the exact problem may