Pros And Cons Of Human Genetic Engineering

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Medical Technology
Imagine a world without disease, where all babies are born healthy. People would not have to suffer from any of the thousands of genetic diseases that wreak such havoc. Such a concept seems so futuristic and highly improbable, but scientists have recently made tremendous strides towards technology that can eliminate genetic defects from our DNA. Human genetic engineering is a rapidly advancing field that has the potential to eradicate countless genetic diseases, yet, at the same time, it also raises a lot of questions and concerns. There are many ethical questions that arise when it comes to modifying human DNA, and there are also concerns about its safety and its reputation in science.
The field of human genetic engineering, …show more content…

One of the major ethical dilemmas with any such type of gene editing is how this can affect the balance of the social order in a future world. According to Belluck, scientists have warned long ago about the dangers posed to a free society if we allow altering genes. There is a possibility that if this science is not strictly regulated it can lead to a situation where the wealthier people in society have access to create “children with enhanced traits” like features and abilities. The general public would not be able to have the same access to technology and consequently would have normal babies with average human abilities. This “may lead to a new form of eugenics” where certain people are considered a lot more valuable than other people. Regular, normal people, who were born unenhanced, would be less valuable and people born with disabilities would be on an even lower level. Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society, says she is scared of one-day seeing fertility clinics marketing “gene editing for enhancement purposes.” If such a thing happens, society will have children who are considered “biologically superior” to others (Ladika). Such a scenario can seriously damage our civilization and reverse decades of civil rights and equality

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