Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration

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America, from the beginning of its civilization, has been a country that has been well known for its diversification. The American blood line carries blood from European countries and even other parts of the world, making it rich in culture. On the other hand, the face of the country is slowly being challenged by globalization. As American civilization progresses, it is making it at most difficult to identify threats. Although laws and regulations have been established to ensure the wellbeing of natural born and residential Americans, illegal aliens are yet at hand crossing U.S boarders without proper documentation, stripping away the safety and the resources of the American people. Although current issues bring to question many immigration …show more content…

According to many arguments on the pro side of the question, “Is illegal immigration an economic burden to America?” Which was provided by, many seem to argue that illegal immigrants are causing an average annual fiscal deficit in the American economy. An example of such an argument would be the article that the Federation for American immigration reform had written on February 2011. One of the points was that illegal immigration costs U.S taxpayers about hundred and 13 million a year. On the opposing side of things, staff writer at The New Republic Danny Vinik, argues that many undocumented immigrants pay taxes and most certainly contribute to the US economy, and a mass deportation policy would reduce economic growth buy 250 billion per year. Another example of the opposing sides argument on how illegal immigrants contribute to the US economy would be a statement by Francine J. Lipman, who is a professor of Law, Business and Economics at Chapman University. Professor Lipman had stated in 2007 that undocumented immigrants contribute through their investments and consumption of goods and services. On the other hand, although illegal aliens fill the jobs of those Americans that don’t want to take on the labor force, it is still a job for the American people, which should be an option available to tax paying people. It is well known that illegal immigrants do not pay their fair share uncle Sam, something that the American people do on a constant basis. Another article proving the point that illegal immigration does burden the American economy would be an article written by historical fiction and nonfiction novelist Walter Coffey. Throughout Coffey’s 2011 article, he explains how cheap labor dominates the market, and causing over all wages to go down in scale. He then continues by making the point that illegal aliens pay little to no