Pros And Cons Of In Vitro Fertilization

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In vitro fertilization (IVF) has many controversies surrounding it. One argument is, what to do with an excess of embryos. Embryos could be considered prospective humans. So the issue becomes how to put these embryos to use without being morally unjust. In my opinion life doesn’t start until an embryo is fertilized by sperm; therefore, starting the division process and further growing the human. So being morally just to an unfertilized egg it seems a little farfetched to me. These embryos could be donated to couples of need, they could also be used for research, or they could simply be discarded. The human body naturally discards unfertilized eggs, the menstrual cycle, so what is so different about us getting rid of embryos? I don’t see an issue of what to do with extra embryos.
However, I do have concerns about the donor egg selection process, and what it can lead to. Forthcoming parents can walk in …show more content…

Without a doubt most people will agree ESCR can and will change the world as we know it. This research has the potential to relieve people from their degenerative diseases and conditions and even prevent these diseases. Beyond the medical advancements foreseen, ESCR could have a tremendous impact on technology. The issue with this research is some view embryo as a human equal. Potentially destroying embryos for research is a violation of their fundamental duty not to kill. For someone who views embryos as clumps of cells who just have the potential to become humans this research would be just fine. Donating your embryos isn’t immoral in my opinion. Since the embryos aren’t of human quality they should not be considered out equal. This research should be funded by the federal government considering the potential growth the research has. Although there has been few successes the research should continue until all efforts have been