Pros And Cons Of Incarceration

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Introduction While focusing on the examination of the underlying economic and historical reasons that is behind the quest on the issue of alternative incarcerating of different offenders in prisons and jails, most of the states are trying to move away from the model of incarceration primarily of all the nonviolent juveniles in the country (Waid, 2012). At any given point in time, US spend more than 5.7 billion dollars every year in efforts of incarcerating the juveniles where more than seventy five percent of the same individuals are nonviolent (Silvera, 2013). Importantly, looking at the five billion figures, one may give an argument that the amount is significant enough to consider changing the system. Chiefly, analysis of the history of the country, no state has been able to come up with an effective program that works with most of the juvenile offenders. There are different methods that some of the states have been able to implement. Some of the methods or programs include community centers, treatment facilities, and boot camps. However, most of those programs have not been effective in addressing the real issue of scaling down on the incarceration system. Three Alternatives to Incarceration …show more content…

With an effective system of collaboration between the teachers, parents, and the courts, the juveniles can be monitored for any suspicious activities. Here, the juveniles can only be allowed to go to school and work while being monitored using a Global Positioning System tracking devices. This form of strategy is the best method especially if the juvenile does not pose any danger to the society while the probation officer monitors their