Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age To 18

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Should the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18?
Legal age of drinking around the world and there are strong opinions on the debate. The minimum drinking age in the United States is twenty one, while in countless other countries it is eighteen. There has been an ongoing controversy on whether the drinking age should be lowered in the United States from twenty one years old to eighteen years old. Underage drinking among teenagers has been a major controversial issue for years now, why not try to control it? In the United States, eighteen year olds are allowed to get married, go to war, have kids, are old enough to vote, but still are not old enough to drink. At eighteen, you are allowed to go fight in combat but are not allowed to go to a liquor store. At eighteen years old, you are legally an adult in the states and you are now responsible for all the rights as an adult. Therefore, the drinking age should be …show more content…

As a teenager, I can say that not only in college but in high school there is plenty of underage drinking and fake identification cards. Lowering the age to eighteen would lower the underage drinking, the amount of fraud, and the amount of underage arrests would lower as well. In college, alcohol is readily available, and for a lot of students whom are still underage, when they get their hands on it, they are more likely to binge drink and over do it because they legally can not get it them selves. Many believe that at the age of eighteen a person is not ‘ready to drink’. This controversial topic has been brought up to many doctors and psychologists, but, according to Dr. Nuestatter, “if the question was whether to lower the drinking age to say, 15, this would be a much different conversation. But the mere three years between 18 and 21 doesn't make that big of a difference. It's pretty much the same brain -- physiologically, and psychologically.” (Fulton,