Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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An article from USA Today, “What would the Graham-Cassidy health bill mean for you?” written by Eliza Collins, talks of the changes Republicans are making in an effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana have been working on the healthcare bill for months, revising and eliminating major sections of the nation’s health reform law enacted in March of 2010. Obamacare has helped over 20 million Americans by providing affordable and accessible health insurance which increases the amount of people that have coverage. Some of the consequences that come from the ACA is money being allocated to public health and prevention programs which will lower the cost of spending on health care. According to the American Public Health Association, “by funding community-based public health and prevention programs, and by supporting research and tracking on key health measures, the ACA can help begin to reduce disparities, improve access to preventive care, improve health outcomes …show more content…

John Stuart Mill, one of the most influential philosopher of the nineteenth century, created a principle that states “actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness”. This is known as the Greatest Happiness Principle which focuses on what a man ought to do to promote happiness and prevention of unhappiness. When it comes to consequences in utilitarianism, this is what categorizes an action under “right” or “wrong”. Mill’s definition of happiness is based on the amount of pain and pleasure present in the consequence of the action. Happiness is the intended pleasure and absence of pain whereas unhappiness is pain and the deprivation of

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