Pros And Cons Of Obamacare

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The Obamacare plan also known as the Affordable Healthcare act was passed recently. Through this Act citizens are supposed to benefit greatly from this universal healthcare, it has brought many problems and controversies.
What exactly is Obamacare? The Affordable Care act was created to cater the American public with entry to economical health insurance and improve the quality while reducing the spending in the U.S. It is not so constructing healthcare itself but implementing additional entitlements and assurance to private insurance. So far the act has been implemented for almost six years. There are pro’s and cons to this act which are very big factors in determining the overall health of the U.S. economy.
Sure there are great benefits …show more content…

In other words some people make sure they do not earn too much money, they make sure they do not work too many hours because they do not want to lose their …show more content…

Before Obamacare there were many people who could not afford health insurance and also could not receive medicaid. Therefore leaving a lot of people with nothing but the choice of not having an insurance plan. Many people have died because they did not have insurance and could not afford seeing doctors and other professionals.. Nicholas Kristof from the New York times says “Families USA...estimated..that an American dies every 20 minutes for lack of insurance.” Kristof also mentioned how compared to some European countries “... life expectancy is relatively low in America, and child mortality is twice as

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