Offshore Drilling
In the Coast of the United States I do not think that Offshore Drilling should be allowed. But otherwise I do think it should be allowed. Offshore drilling is a mechanical process where a wellbore is drilled below the seabed. It is typically carried out in order to explore for and subsequently extract petroleum which lies in rock formations beneath the seabed. Offshore drilling is a very big risk taken when comes to the environment. During the recent BP oil spill and the Exxon Valdez oil spill in 1989 off the coast of Alaska. 250,000 seabirds died , over 2,800 sea otters and thousands of other animals did to. A massive impact on local wildlife was leading to a ban on all offshore drilling in america , until George Bush
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People will be prevented from fishing which is the largest source of income for many local areas. Fishing is important as it not only provides income for the fisherman but also to the restaurants that they sell to. Due to the recent BP disaster many restaurants along the coast line have had to close for weeks because they cannot get fish to sell in their restaurants. Fish numbers are not just temporarily cut following an oil spill, but they are cut for a long time. There would have to be very limited fishing in order to ensure that the fish stock does increase and is not lowered. This means that the local economy will struggle for, potentially, years because they will not be able to fish as much as they did before the accident. Offshore drilling is highly a profitable for many …show more content…
too much money to clean up after it spills and i'm pretty sure we can find another way to get oil besides the ocean.offshore oil deposits is, at least in some ways, undesirable. It is also unnecessary. The energy offshore deposits, can provide pales in comparison to other options.The energy loss entailed by ending offshore drilling in the U.S. Even in the provision of oil, offshore deposits are very limited. For example, tar sands and shale oil deposits total around double the amount in reserves of conventional oil (on land as well as offshore).As well as lasting us much longer, the result of using this oil would be almost the opposite of oil spills - taking oil-loaded sand and returning it to a cleaner state. So offshore oil deposits do not really offer even a good medium term solution. Therefore, we do not need offshore oil drilling in order to provide our energy even in the medium term, and should look to option which are more sustainable or at least provide a longer stop-gap to the eventual depletion of oil . even if offshore deposits are limited , they are still extremely large . offshore oil from the gulf of mexico, alone is 30% of the U.S. oil. But energy isn't the only part of offshore drilling. By the latest report in the U.S. 63,012 people are employed by the offshore oil industry. They are getting paid sufficiently, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, every job connected with offshore drilling earns above