
Pros And Cons Of Quantitative Reasoning

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By definition, Quantitative Reasoning (QR) is the ability to apply mathematical skills when solving real world problems that are happening in our daily lives. It is being able to read numerical data that is presented in tables, formulas and graphs. Quantitative Reasoning is often assumed to have the same meaning as Mathematics and indeed these two are complicatedly linked. Yet they have differences, one of which is that while QR is a skill, Mathematics is primarily a discipline. QR is designed to prepare students to be well-educated citizens and voters who will be able to know when they are being robbed/ miss leaded or the statements are not true, recognize and understand how they are connected to important social or political issues. It is intended for students to be well prepared when they enter workplaces that do not need complicated science or math knowledge.
During our first tutorial of MMWMU we were asked to choose the themes we(students) would mostly want to work on as it is said that people work more and faster when they are working on something they are interested in and they enjoy the lessons. Let us say for example, most students are interested in knowing more about eThekwini/KZN:
• How many people are asking for RDP houses and how many get those houses and how many do not – within a year. Maybe one would calculate the material used to build these houses e.g if x amount of cement is used to build n houses then x amount of cement is needed

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