Pros And Cons Of School Lunches

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A religious issue present in what is called to be a diverse Long Island is the lack of religious appropriate school lunch made whether it be kosher or halal. There has not been a choice in meat type since I was in elementary school. Another common misconception is that the vegetarian meals should satisfy the halal guideline, when in reality, they are two completely separate things. Halal food is not just no meat in your diet, but it’s a specific type of meat that costs and taste the same, so why not just switch over to halal or kosher? By keeping options open while also not altering the school lunch menu, it is a financial advantage and would diversify Long Island. If halal or kosher options were implemented, it would increase the districts profits made on school lunch since this would attract students who usually bring lunch from home since school lunch didn’t meet their beliefs. Making more sales and profits when it comes to food being sold in schools will most likely exponentially increase business in public schools;" but adding a halal menu could be a considerable extra cost... the meat is a bit pricey because it is considered hard to come by" (Federal 1). If it cost a bit more to buy the meat, it is inevitable that it would then cost more to buy the food so that the school would profit even more …show more content…

This had not just affected me, but finding alternatives has greatly affected people close to me such as my brothers and sisters who also attend school, my friends in the same class, and nonetheless even other people; "Finding vegetarian food; Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes it really isn’t. When the only veggie food is a dry salad, you just want to leave" (Mvslim 1). Sure, there are specific halal restaurants to eat from, but not at a local deli or nearby go-to fast food