
Pros And Cons Of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

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Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) are controversial because of religious or faith-based groups who believe it should be implemented and LGBTQ organizations and other scientific organizations oppose it. The American Psychological Association (APA), in response to this issue, stated that “psychology must rely on proven methods of scientific inquiry… as the basis to explore and understand human behavior (APA 2008a;2008b).” The term SOCE by standards of the APA refer to all means to change sexual orientation including behavioral techniques, psychoanalytic techniques, and all medical, religious and spiritual approaches. Therefore, reorientation therapy should not reflect religious or private organizations, and work in the best interest of …show more content…

Reorientation therapies allow some people who are truly experiencing distress in their life due to their homosexual attractions an outlet to make their efforts show. These therapies can maybe work in people who are still not entirely sure of where they stand on their sexuality and may even reinforce their orientation. There is a negative connotation with this type of therapy because usually it involves someone who is being condemned by society about being gay, trying to “fix” him or herself by being “straight” to conform. Another common thought about these therapies are that they are usually started because a teenager or young adult is being forced by their family, friends, or church members. In these cases, going through these conversion therapies are unethical because it involuntary on the patient’s part and may be adding significant distress to their life which has been shown in …show more content…

In August 2014, California passed a law that prohibited psychologists to use conversion therapies with minors claiming that it was unprofessional conduct (ABA Journal, 2014). The challenge to this law was that it prohibits therapists from expressing their viewpoints about same-sex relationships which violates their first amendment right. The Court of Appeals turned down this challenge and stated that therapists can discuss the pros and cons about the therapies but not force minors to undergo them by making it a priority. The therapists are allowed to have their personal views, but it should not be released into their practice. Putting minors through this therapy due to the therapist’s view on same-sex attractions is not protected under the constitution and actually puts youth at risk of severe harm, like depression and

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