
Pros And Cons Of The Korean War

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Sacrifices of the Forgotten War

An elderly man lives with his wife in a small, aged house in a suburban area.

An elderly man who saw the fields of his past destroyed to make way for a modernized world.

An elderly man who has watched his children grow and move on to create their own purpose.

An elderly man who visits his family at every opportunity to spend time with those he loves.

An elderly man who has done so much for this world, yet asks for nothing in return.

The Korean War began in June 25, 1950 when the North Korean soldiers crossed the 38th Parallel, a line at 38 degrees latitude forming the border between the countries on North and South Korea. During this time tensions caused by the Cold War were high and generals believed …show more content…

The Allies had promised Koreans independence after the war, yet they revoked this vow when it became obvious that the country was not ready to govern itself (Moore 19). They divided Korea at the 38th Parallel, a line at 38 degrees latitude on the map, in order to have separate areas to reform (US Enters the Korean Conflict). The northern portion, or North Korea, was given to the Soviet Union while the United States took the south, or South Korea. Contrary to the original goal of the United States, the Soviet Union took this opportunity to spread communism into a now vulnerable nation. This created two opposing opinions in the originally unified country that did not recognize the other's authority. Because of this internal hostility the ability to create an accord was jeopardized.

Small skirmishes became common during this time. More than 100,000 Koreans were killed before the war even started (Cumings). June 25, 1950 was the day that the flickering sparks finally started a roaring fire. It was then that North Korea began to systematically attack its rival; thus, declaring war upon the United States

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