Ptsd Intervention In Soldiers

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Abstract: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has taken an enormous effect amongst war veterans, soldiers and people who have experience any traumatic event. Due to the negative effect the disorder has brought upon the people, there are many are many interventions and protective factors to choose from to recover from this disorder. Interventions that may be utilized for this disorder are Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) which effects the the low moods and negative emotions from the disorder. Also, another intervention, is Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) which talks about how the effects of the exposure therapy help out soldiers who have been recently wounded, or the soldiers who recently experienced a traumatic event. …show more content…

Comer, The DSM 5 describes trauma and stressor related disorders as “a disorder in which trauma and extraordinary stress trigger a wide range of stress symptoms, including heightened arousal, anxiety and mood problems, memory and orientation difficulties, and behavioral disturbances.” (Comer 178) One disorder under this branch is PTSD which the DSM describes as “A disorder in which continues to experience fear and related symptoms long after a traumatic event.” (Comer 181) This disorder is so complex due to the process towards recovery is long. It requires hours on end of therapy and support from family and peers. About 60.7% of men have experienced at least one traumatic event. In addition, this disorder is also common amongst soldiers and war veterans. About eleven to twenty out of a hundred war veterans experienced PTSD in any given year. Many of these symptoms can mentally drain a person and the numbers are growing rapidly. Thus, help is strongly recommended for people who suffer from PTSD. Interventions that can be used to treat PTSD are cognitive behavioral therapy and cognitive processing therapy. Protective factors like ________ may lessen the severity of …show more content…

This type of therapy is often utilize for veterans and soldiers. Cognitive processing therapy is a manualized therapy used by clinicians to help people recover from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions. It includes elements of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) treatments. In an article called, integrating cognitive processing therapy and spiritually, it says “Cognitive processing therapy therapy has proven to be effective in treating PTSD by assisting to restructure the cognition of the client, which in term reduces PTSD symptoms.” (Wade 59) this cognitive therapy is proven to bring a positive effect on PTSD symptoms, which include anxiety, mood problems, and memory difficulties. Also, in the case study for service members, CPT was used to help out each patient and it said, “Cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is used as a treatment modality for PTSD by teaching service members new ways to handle distressing thoughts and to gain an understanding of traumatic events.” (Wade 62) PTSD can, often, leave one confused, which is why CPT can one who is confused gain a better understanding on how and why one suffers from PTSD. Further in the study, CPT brought nothing, but positive results on the for the veterans. They said, “Based on a review of literature there are several studies that indicate The efficiency of CPT. . . . for example, the results of