Qualitative Article Review Questions

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Comp Q&A 1
Khalid Alrubian
Monmouth University

CPC Quantitative Article Comp Exam Questions (SU 15)
A Test of Excellent Leadership in Public Relations: Key Qualities, Valuable Sources, and Distinctive Leadership Perceptions
Read ALL questions first. Required: Typed/Double spaced/1 inch margins/no larger than 12-point font.
1. Provide a brief overview of the purpose of the study in your own words.
The articles
The purpose of the study is mentioned a few times in the article. The first time it mentioned is paragraph 1 of page 19 and paragraph 2 of page 19. The purpose of the research is to explore and define the characteristics of good leadership. To do so, the authors completed a study on leadership in the public relation. …show more content…

It describes how public relations is an important management function. There the managers play an important role to the organization. It is the goal of public relations manager to be between the public a management and communicate, and problem solve. However, many managers do not develop the ability to influence in the organization. The reason stated is because they lack leadership skills.
Defining Leadership
The goal is to provide a universal or global definition of excellent leadership in public relations. The definition is quoted and in its original form.
“Excellent leadership in public relations is a dynamic process that encompasses a complex mix of individual skills and personal attributes, values, and behaviors that consistently produces ethical and effective communication practice. Such practice fuels and guides successful communication teams, helps organizations achieve their goals, and legitimizes organizations in society (Meng, Berger, Gower and Heyman, 2013, p. 24).
In summary, the define as determined in the literature for an excellent leader in public relation is a combination of values, skills and behaviors. The leader skills values, and behaviors make communication clear with the team and organization which makes the organization reach their …show more content…

The researcher(s) argue that considering gender and ethnic/racial diversity can help to develop IPR theory. Explain. The researchers argue that women have a disadvantage from men. The reason is mean have a higher social standing. It determines women do not use their social networks. In addition, these networks are inferior to men’s networks especially in the category of the labor market. But minority women such as black women have strong network and are conscious of the benefits of these networks. The authors believe by addressing and discussion stressful or strained interactions assist in the development of IPR. The reason is that items such as discrimination have a cost to the organization. Therefore, addressing and training the individual to have social capital ideals will produce better outcomes for the organization. This means that the communication and the connective nature of IPR will create more social capital and a social cohesion. It will integrate the organization.
4. Briefly, what specific topics are covered in the literature