Qualitative Research Advantages And Disadvantages

1100 Words5 Pages
advantages oResearch:
• research design: Quantitative
• Research method: Primary ek secondary(primary pou analysis of questionnaire ek secondary pou lit.review)
• research method : primary ---- questionnaire
• sampling techniques: non-probablity : Convinience sampling
• 1 research hypothesis (H0 There is no relationship between Reward system and Employee Motivation
H1 There is relationship between Reward system and Employee motivation).
Advantages and limitations of research design.

Research method can be defined as a methodical strategy when doing a research. There are different types of research such as the Qualitative and the Quantitative which comprises of surveys, observation, experiment and many more and then there are sampling methods while choosing respondents. Quantitative approaches helps to categorise different features and then use statistical tool in order to assess hypotheses and then explain the results found during the research. These will be further discussed in the report. Qualitative research is obtaining results through feelings and emotions of people.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative and Qualitative research:
Qualitative and quantitative researches have some merits and limitations in subject to the researcher’s objective and aim. Firstly, Qualitative is beneficial as it does not need a firm design strategy of how it should be before starting. Also, this approach helps the research in obtaining details data as it is mainly done

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