
Comparing Kant's Quotes In Albert Camus The Outsider

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Today in class, we discussed about Albert Camus’ quote and briefly gave a description about the writer. Before we discussed about his quote, we would have to describe who he was and why he wrote his quote. We said that he was known as a stupid famous French writer who also wrote his own famous novel called, “The Stranger.” Professor Mansfield mentions that he was also a philosopher who did not believe in God, considering him as an Atheist. After we described who the writer was, Mansfield had told us to read and discuss the quote that Albert wrote with a partner and see what we have came up with. My partner was named “Rabin” and we were explaining to each other what the quote is really saying and how it relates to our perspective of life. …show more content…

Rabin and I defined that an unfree world means the rules of the government. Rabin explains to me that the quote is saying, “if you become free for yourself, you start to rebel against it,” then I explained to him that it says, “when you follow rules, you are most likely not to be free.” Then, we both described rules as an act of oppression and that rules can really oppress you in your very existence. I also told him that it says, “It’s all about following your own rules as an act of rebelling the unfree world.” Therefore, Professor Mansfield explains the meaning of the quote that, “the free of your existence is an act of doing what you’re supposed to …show more content…

Julio explains that “we are embarrassed by love because of our insecurity, emotions, pressure, and how we are naturally born with being embarrassed by it.” Then, Harlene explains that “Less women are afraid to show their love and more men fear the rejection.” Julio and Rick describes the story about the Santa Barbara man being rejected by a girl as an example of the fear of rejection of men. Professor Mansfield asks Antwaun about his thoughts of embarrassment for love; although, he needed help to answer Mansfield’s question, Rick decided to help him respond to the question. Rick explains to Antwaun that “love isn’t just for you, but also for your family.” Professor Mansfield tells us that “romantic love isn’t just the only type of love there is,” then he starts to ask the class, “what kinds of love is out there.” As we speak, me, Julio, Harlene, and Rick mention: Brotherly Love, Parental Love, Self-Love, and Companionship. Finally, we read a 10 page article written by Bell Hooks called, “Love As The Practice of Freedom.” To begin with, we start to look for the page where the working definition of love Bell Hooks mentions in the article. Fernando finds the page

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